Mo' money mo' problems

This week, we'll be mostly talking about money; asking teenagers about their attitudes to it and more intriguingly, the monetary value they place on things.

For instance, in an age of illegal filesharing and legal streaming services, do young people still expect to have to pay for music and film?

If given the choice, would teenagers ditch investment in massive projects like The Olympics in favour of sustained investment in youth projects around the U.K.?

With the average debt for a university leaver now topping £23,000, do teenagers think the cost of a good education in the U.K. represents value for money? If not, what are they willing to pay? Do they think they should have to pay at all?

As of August 2009 the jobless rate for 16 to 24 year-olds seeking work was nearly one in five and 31.7% of 16 and 17-year-old school-leavers were officially unemployed. Against this backdrop, has the recession forced young people to address the issue of financial security a little too early, or do we need them to understand the reality of economic hardship sooner, rather than later?

Stay tuned for the weeks best clips on money from MySpace and YouTube as well as daily stories, videos and discussion on almost every aspect of the teenage experience in the U.K.